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More green in 2022!
For over 5 years we’ve been striving for more green in cities. This year we see it really picking up...
For over 5 years we’ve been striving for more green in cities. This year we see it really picking up...
BDA was growing and this set the agency for a fundamental choice: growing further independently or c...
This is Rotterdam. Like every other big city, this place forces us to live together and relate to each other. To take everything and everyone into account. This is where our principals are put to the test on a daily basis. And it’s our mission to make this city, and many others, a better place for all of us.
We have seen the future of the economy, and it’s local. It is a manageable, sustainable scale. That doesn’t make us anti-profit or against money, it makes us a firm supporter of value in the broadest sense.
We work on new, innovative business models that transform trees and green spaces from cost to benefit. We collaborate with pioneers in this field to bring insights, research and technology to life. Literally.
We actively engage with the people we work with and create for. We bring energy, positivity, analytical skills and design thinking to tackle complex issues. All to see innovative solutions come to life, and improve the city in meaningful ways.
In order to shed light on the issue from multiple angles, we will be talking to pioneers, experts and people that are directly involved or impacted.
We synthesize the outcome of the exploration phase with the client. The result is a visual representation of our findings and solution directions.
We design solution directions with end users and pioneers, and let innovative, realistic (business) concepts take shape.
We bring the business case, pilot or concept to market, or help the client do this themselves. We help monitor, evaluate and meet requirements for success.